Chelsea practices primarily in the area of criminal defence. She enjoys new challenges, which makes the ever-evolving field of law the perfect setting for her tenacious attitude and calm disposition. She is an organized and effective advocate.
Chelsea was born and raised in Winnipeg and wants to give back to the community that has been so gracious to her. She completed her law degree at the University of North Dakota; where she focused on Aboriginal issues and was involved in many extracurricular groups, events, and activities. She returned to Winnipeg to complete her articles and was called to the bar in 2019.
Currently, she is an elected member of the Manitoba Bar Association Counsel. She also provides legal commentary on the television series, Finally Caught. When she is not in the office, she enjoys reading, playing softball and golf, and spending time with her two children.
Chelsea is fluent in French and accepts clients on a private basis and via Legal Aid certificate.
Juris doctor (JD), University of North Dakota School of Law, 2016Indian Law Certificate, University of North Dakota School of Law, 2016
Bachelor of Arts, University of Manitoba, 2012
Canadian Bar AssociationManitoba Bar Association
Criminal Defence Lawyers Association of Manitoba (CDLAM)
Law Society of Manitoba
Community Legal Education Association (CLEA)